Let's all UPLEVEL like FLOTUS
Photo Courtesy of ABCNews.go.com
I loved watching the Good Morning America segment with former First Lady and fellow Southsider Michelle Obama. There are so many nuggets she shared that resonated with me.
Here are a few:
1. Before I was a mom, I was an aunt. It continues to be one of my favorite roles and responsibilities.
2. One of my brothers knows me best and is my mom’s favorite lol.
3. Making family imperative within the family, creating space for family to be and come together, and not leaving them out is important.
4. Strong men help strong girls become stronger. Daily I’m convinced I’m God’s favorite because of His love towards me. Who but a magnificent Heavenly Father would choose such an awesome and amazing earthly Daddy for me - perfect match! I too never wanted to disappoint my parents and wanted to make them proud. My daddy’s strength, love for his daughters and work ethnic can’t be describe with words (teary eyed for real). I would not be who I am if God didn’t choose him for me. Strong, loving and present fathers are needed for girls to become strong! Grateful that we are still breathing to create more memories!💝
In case you missed the interview, check out the segment when you click here.